The difference between tattoo ink and cosmetic tattoo pigment : Ink is made with a lot bigger molecules and the body can not brake it down. That’s why it lasts forever! Where the pigments are made with a lot smaller molecules and your body is able to brake it down, and that’s why it fades in years. This the main…
You might have heard of the Sweet Spot in Feathering Brows. Let’s find out what this spot really is. Sweet spot is the perfect depth to penetrate the colour during eyebrow feathering either with microblading or micropigmentation. The scratches made during microblading or eyebrow feathering should be very shallow. So that you will see some blood dots while drawing hair…
Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) also know as Micro Hair Pigmentation, uses the latest technologies for replicating the appearance of shaven hair, by introducing thousands of tiny pigment deposits into the scalp. When placed by a skilled technician, the recipient appears as if they have a full head of hair, shaved to a very short length. Scalp micropigmentation is the fastest growing…
Before reading this article, please note that the structure of tattoo ink (Tattoo for Body) is very different with cosmetic tattoo pigment (Known as permanent makeup/ micropigmentation/ microblading). Tattoo removal process is way more complicated than tattooing. It involves physics like thermodynamics, optics and even biology and chemistry. You want to know how to remove a tattoo ink with a…